tithes and offerings
The Ministry of Tithes & Offerings
Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9:7
To fulfill our church mission of being the hands, heart, and mind of Christ in this world requires people to fulfill two roles: Gospel Doers and Gospel Givers. The church cannot fulfill the mission unless there are people willing to finance it. Thus, every member of the church is encouraged to contribute in both of these roles. Giving financially is something that most can do, and we encourage anyone that is benefiting from our ministries online will to consider contributing as well. Currently the two ways that people can give are in person and through mail. However, we hope to add access to giving online in the near future.
ways you can donate:
You are always free to give of your heart. We take a weekly offering during our services.
If you are unable to make to one of our weekly services to give your offering you are more than welcome to mail it to us as well.