Being the mind, heart and hands of Christ in our community is God's call for our church. With that in mind all are welcome here. And we know that there is something for everyone. We are not only here to minister to you, but to be ministered by you as well.
If you have any questions about any of our ministries or would like to volunteer please feel to reach out to us any time.
May God Bless you and keep you firmly in the palm of His hands!

Journey Kids
Children from ages 4 through 5th grade meet on Sunday mornings for fellowship, fun, crafts, & stories. But the most important is learning that Jesus loves them and to grow in a relationship with Him!
Journey Kid’s Worship meets after our corporate worship time. During this time we praise, worship, and talk about the sermon on the child’s level.
Journey Kids also has a fun group that meets each Wednesday for kids ages 4-11 to uncover new truths about God, others and themselves while exploring nature, learning first aid or discovering what God’s Word means in their lives through:
*Bible Exploration *Bible Memory *Skill-Building Activities
*Games *Service Projects *Team Building
Children earn badges through learning activities.
At Journey Kids, We always allow time for “fellowship” which builds lasting friendships!
For additional information contact:
Revenant Student Ministries
Welcome to the Jr. and Sr. High youth ministry of Living Roots Church.. Once called Tek'-non, meaning Born of God, we are now Revenant Student Ministries. The Revenant are defined as those who return after death or a long
absence. Even though we are born of God, we often die to the world. But by finding Christ and inviting Him into our lives we are brought back from the dead and given new life.
From weekly interactive lessons, to paintball outings, to Rock Church, to feasts of food, and so much more; we create a place for the love of God to change the youth in our community. Invite a friend and join us in the many events to come!
For additional information contact:

Weekly Services:
Sunday morning: Sunday Study: After the sermon.
Wednesday: 7pm

Young Adult Ministry
The Young Adult Ministry, led by the Holy Spirit, seeks to provide spiritual nourishment, inspiration and guidance to adults ages 18 to 25. The ministry, which includes those that are single or married and with or without children, encourages proper spiritual and moral principles to empower Christians to live as disciples of Jesus Christ.
The ministry hosts events throughout the year to promote fellowship and spiritual growth. College students visiting home are also a welcome element to the ministry. The goals and objective of the Young Adult Ministry include:
Share our faith with other young adults through education, prayer and fellowship; allowing them the opportunity to hear God's message for His church and to encourage a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
Affirm the unique gifts, talents, and ministries of young adults.
Provide opportunities for growth through Bible study and Sunday school to explore ways to integrate faith in their lives as they travel through life transitions.
Develop leadership through resources and training programs to empower young adults and strengthen their commitment to Christ.
Pastoral Care Ministries
Our care team is a group of volunteer lay ministers who provide help to a person or family in crisis. Acting as a team, care team participants contribute their time and talent in a coordinated effort to meet the needs of the care receiver. The Pastoral Care Team works within the framework of the ministry of Jesus Christ to provide confidential care to those facing life's spiritual, emotional, and physical challenges. Some of the ways this group reaches out to others include:
Cards and/or phone calls to the ill, homebound, new moms, grieving families…etc.
Visits to new moms and those in the hospital.
Visits to those that are homebound or in nursing homes.
Provide transportation for those entering or returning from a hospital stay or doctor’s visit.
Prepare and deliver meals.
Communion delivered to those unable to come to church.
Visits to those in hospice care.
Actively pray for those on the Prayer Chain and help maintain its accuracy.