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Koinonia: June Edition

Your word is a lamp to my feet

And a light to my path.

Psalm 119:105

I’ve read and heard this verse countless times in my life. Yet it has taken on a whole new significance in this current season of life. A lamp, for one, does not cast a wide light. It is not a floodlight that illuminates the entire path ahead, but rather is a small light. A lamp reveals the next step, and we move our feet onto that terrain, where the light then extends to the next step.

I think this verse fits well in conjunction with 2 Corinthians 5:7, “for we walk by faith, not by sight.” God rarely shows us all the steps that are ahead of us. If He did, we wouldn’t really be walking by faith. I imagine that if we could see the entire path that lies ahead, we might be so afraid of the trials and obstacles awaiting us that we’d rather turn around and go some other way. Or perhaps we’d see the goodness ahead and end up taking it for granted.

But whether it be fear or taking things for granted, both are a barrier to faith. God desires a relationship with us in which we do not make demands of Him. He wants a relationship in which we can appreciate Him in the same way that He appreciates us, His creation. He wants to walk with us and talk with us. He wants us to trust Him, even when our circumstances are bleak. He wants us to bear our hearts to Him and then receive His love without condition.

God’s Word is a lamp unto our feet. If we stay near to Him, we will stay near to His light. If we stay near His life, our steps will be revealed in their proper time. And He wants this kind of close relationship so badly with us that He is willing to let us wander in the wilderness as long as it takes it build that kind of faith. I am glad that God’s love is so patient with us. May our love for Him allow us to be equally patient. Truly intimate relationships take time to develop, and always leave room for growth. May we continue to cultivate our relationship with God, one step at a time.

-- Pastor Justin

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